Waters of Care Clarins

Waters of Care Clarins

Allowing you to feel good and feel good, this is the motto of Eau de Soins Clarins. They combine the scent and action of plants for well-being care. Discover all the range developed by Clarins: Eau Dynamisante, Eau Ensoleillante, Eau des Jardins, Eau Ressourçante ... Available in different products (moisturizing cream, shower gel, deodorant, gel-foaming ...), Eau de Soins accompanies you to every beauty gesture of the day. Their fragrance and their benefits then remain with you for a lasting effect.

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Allowing you to feel good and feel good, this is the motto of Eau de Soins Clarins. They combine the scent and action of plants for well-being care. Discover all the range developed by Clarins: Eau Dynamisante, Eau Ensoleillante, Eau des Jardins, Eau Ressourçante ... Available in different products (moisturizing cream, shower gel, deodorant, gel-foaming ...), Eau de Soins accompanies you to every beauty gesture of the day. Their fragrance and their benefits then remain with you for a lasting effect.

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