Chapter 4 - Lychee Lotus MADES COSMETIC
Legend has it that the Emperor Hsüan Tsung tried to impress and capture the heart of lady Yang Kuei whose favorite fruit was lychee. To do this, he insisted that a basket of the freshest lychee be carried hundreds of miles.
A vibrant, fruity flavour of melon and lychee fruit with a hint of green, raspberry and strawberry.
Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Legend has it that the Emperor Hsüan Tsung tried to impress and capture the heart of lady Yang Kuei whose favorite fruit was lychee. To do this, he insisted that a basket of the freshest lychee be carried hundreds of miles.
A vibrant, fruity flavour of melon and lychee fruit with a hint of green, raspberry and strawberry.