Chapter 5 - Peach Orchid MADES COSMETIC
Momotaro arrived on Earth in a giant peach, which was found floating on a river, by a childless old woman who washed her clothes there. He was discovered when she opened the peach to eat it.
A juicy peach flavour with notes of other sweet fruit and a sweet vanilla base.
Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Temporarily sold outVictim of his own success...
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Momotaro arrived on Earth in a giant peach, which was found floating on a river, by a childless old woman who washed her clothes there. He was discovered when she opened the peach to eat it.
A juicy peach flavour with notes of other sweet fruit and a sweet vanilla base.